Answer Book

EmulationOutsideView TCP/IP STACK INFOVersions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: Does OV contain a TCP/IP stack?

RESOLUTION: No, OV needs an independently-supplied, Winsock-compliant TCP/IP stack in order to make TCP/IP connections.
EmulationOutsideView and Novell supportVersions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: Is OutsideView Enterprise supported on Novell platforms?

RESOLUTION: No. While OutsideView's TCP/IP connectivity works fine across Novell networks, the OutsideView application, in desktop or enterprise client mode, is only qualified to be installed on Microfsoft-supported Windows platforms. OutsideView Enterprise services are only qualified to be installed onto Windows platforms.
EmulationAlt+ key combinations in OutsideViewKeyboardN/AISSUE: In the previous version (5.1d) we have the ability to use Alt-W to access the menu bar Window option and choose a session to access. I did find, by reading the Help Screens, that I can use Ctrl-Tab to access different sessions. This is fine but it is a sequential access method as opposed to a random access (i.e. If moving from session 1 to session 3 we have to see session 2; in previous
versions we could go from session 1 to 3 directly by using Alt-W).

RESOLUTION: Alt+ key combinations are referred to as keyboard mnemonics. Ctl+ key combinations are referred to as shortcuts. In terminal emulation, some users want all Alt+ or Ctl+ key combinations to pass up to the host for interpretation. Other customers want such key combinations to be interpreted at the Windows level (and never go up to the host.) This is controlled, in each session file, by SESSION, SESSION SETTINGS, and then the check boxes for menu key use. To have all Alt+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Mnemonic keys". To have all Ctl+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Shortcut keys" Our default settings are to have Alt+ combinations go to the host, and Ctl+ key combinations to be interpreted locally.
Emulationnon-English characters in OutsideViewFonts-Intl IssuesN/AISSUE: We now support our application in French. In evaluating OutsideView we have found that the TN3270 emulation does not display our French screens properly -- the special French characters are "missing" . I have tried different fonts and settings to get the "French" characters to display and have had no luck.

RESOLUTION: Under SESSION, SESSION SETTINGS, there is a language selection box. Select French (Std).
EmulationWhat are keyboard mnemonics?KeyboardN/AISSUE: What are keyboard mnemonics?

RESOLUTION: Key combinations starting with the Alt key are referred to as keyboard mnemonics. Key combinations starting with the Ctrl key are referred to as shortcuts. In terminal emulation, some users need all Alt+ or Ctrl+ key combinations to pass up to the host for interpretation. Other customers want such key combinations to be interpreted at the Windows level (and never go up to the host.) This is controlled, in each session file, by SESSION, SESSION SETTINGS, and then the check boxes for menu key use. To have all Alt+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Mnemonic keys". To have all Ctl+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Shortcut keys" Our default settings are to have Alt+ combinations go to the host, and Ctl+ key combinations to be interpreted locally.
EmulationWhat are keyboard menu shortcuts?KeyboardN/AISSUE: What are the keyboard menu shortcuts referred to in Session settings?

RESOLUTION: Key combinations that start with the Alt key are referred to as keyboard mnemonics. Ctrl+ key combinations are referred to as shortcuts. In terminal emulation, some users want all Alt+ or Ctrl+ key combinations to pass up to the host for interpretation. Other customers want such key combinations to be interpreted at the Windows level (and never go up to the host.) This is controlled, in each session file, by SESSION, SESSION SETTINGS, and then the check boxes for menu key use. To have all Alt+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Mnemonic keys". To have all Ctrl+ key combinations interpreted locally, check on "Shortcut keys" Our default settings are to have Alt+ combinations go to the host, and Ctl+ key combinations to be interpreted locally.
EmulationOutsideView Desktop reporting duplicate usageLicensingN/AISSUE: I removed a PC, put in a new one, reinstalled OutsideView Desktop and am getting a duplicate license error.

RESOLUTION: Whenever a PC executes OutsideView, our serial number control logic publishes the SN on the network and checks for another PC using the same SN. This publication involves some 'latency' such that it takes up to a few hours before it disappears. The duplicate license error should go away, on its own, shortly.
EmulationWhen starting an OV shortcut, OV comes up minimizedConfigurationN/AISSUE: User has placed an OV session file shortcut on his desktop and double-clicks on it to start that session. However, the session comes up minimized (listed on task bar, but not displayed on screen).

RESOLUTION: Right-click on the shortcut, select Properties, and go to the shortcut tab. Set the RUN field to be "Normal Window" or "Maximized".
EmulationWhat Windows versions does OutsideView support?Versions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: What Windows versions does OutsideView run on?

RESOLUTION: Crystal Point policy is to test, qualify and support OutsideView in all full-PC Windows versions currently supported by Microsoft at the time of the OutsideView release.
EmulationQUESTIONS ABOUT 6510 EMULATIONVersions/SpecificationsOtherISSUE: Does OutsideView support 6510 emulation?

6510 is a different type of terminal from a 6530. OutsideView is not a solution for those who run 6510-specific applications.
EmulationDOCUMENTING APPLICATIONS THROUGH SCREEN PRINTSDocumentationN/AISSUE: What is the best way to capture host application screens for the purpose of documentation?

Use the "Print Screen" key on the keyboard, which pastes the graphic image of the screen to the clipboard. Then go into a word processor (such as Microsoft Word) and do an EDIT, PASTE (or Ctrl-V) to paste the graphic image into the document.

NOTE: Using the "Alt" key in combination with the "PRINT SCREEN" key will paste only the active window (OutsideView) to the clipboard (as opposed to the entire Windows desktop).
EmulationSQL Date Query FailsMacroN/AISSUE: I'm having trouble selecting DATE type fields. Instead of data I receive
>the name of the field. In the select statement the DATE type fields are PERIOD_FROM & PERIOD_THRU. When I display the contents of data(2,1) and data(3,1) they contain the text "PERIOD_FROM" and "PERIOD_THRU" respectively. All of the other array elements contain the correct data.

RESOLUTION: On review of the code, the developer found that the field length is determined from the max of the field name length or field type. The value reported to the ODBC driver, however, is always the value determined from field type. The main bug is that the SQL_DATE type is swapped with SQL_TIME. Changing the field type to SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP should fix it. The workaround is to use a field name of at least 10 characters or define the db data type as SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP.
EmulationOutsideView FOR UNIX, MAC, OS/2?Versions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: Is there a way to run OutsideView32 on a Unix, MAC or OS/2 system?

OutsideView is a Windows product. There is no way to run it under Unix. AppViewXS is our legacy modernization product - which will take green screens to a browser. It is therefore platform independent.
EmulationFTP COMMAND LINE SYNTAX HAS CHANGEDFile TransferN/AISSUE: Tried to use the "lcd" command to change from G:\OV to H:, but the command is not working.

"lcd" stands for "local change directory" A user may use the "local change directory" anywhere on the current local drive, but cannot use "lcd" to change to different local drives.
EmulationHOW CAN SOMEONE DO A LINE INSERT IN 6530KeyboardTN6530ISSUE: How do you perform the line insert and line delete functions in Tedit? On a 6530 keyboard, there are line insert and line delete keys for this purpose.

By default, the line insert function is mapped to Ctrl+Insert, and line delete is mapped to Ctrl+Delete. You can modify these mappings using the keyboard mapper.
EmulationFILE XFER OF ENSCRIBE FILESFile TransferN/AISSUE: Attempting to transfer Enscribe files. If IXF is used to send the file up to the host, cannot specify a file type of Enscribe. If FTP is used, the control characters at the front of the file are treated as part of the data, effectively corrupting the file.

Transfer the Enscribe file to the host as a binary file using IXF. After transferring the file, use the FUP Alter command to reset the file type on the NonStop host to the correct value.
EmulationWHAT KEYSTROKES RESET A TERMINAL?Session StartupTN6530ISSUE: What key combination does a terminal reset?

The terminal reset function is mapped to:
Hard reset: Alt+Backspace
Soft reset: Ctrl+Backspace
EmulationBREAK IN KBD MAPPER?KeyboardN/AISSUE: How does one find what keys the Break function, or any other host function, are mapped to.

By default, Break is mapped to the keys Ctrl+Break.

To find where a key is mapped, select VIEW, View Keyboard Map. In the left scroll box (Mapped Keys), find the desired function, then click the + icon to show details (the key sequence assigned to the function).
EmulationIXF failing to transfer selected files (OV5.0)File TransferN/AISSUE: User was unable to IXF selected files.

User's problem was rights; IXF is a system program and he had not logged on as Super/super.

NOTE: OVFSCAN utility uses standard commands to display file names. However, just being able to see a file name does not imply the viewer has rights to move/modify/delete etc. a given file.
EmulationDOES OV5 SUPPORT MULTILAN (OV5.0)Versions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: Does OutsideView support the MultiLAN connection method?

EmulationCANNOT MAP THE NUMLOCK KEY?KeyboardN/AISSUE: Can the NumLock key be used for remapping purposes in the Keyboard Mapper?

EmulationHow can I modify default logging locations (OV5.1)?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: How can I modify the default location for 'capture' files such as traces or Log-to-file?

RESOLUTION: The default capture directory is defined at the time a new session file is created. By default, it will be C:\Users\[User_Name]\Documents\Crystal Point\OutsideView\Capture\. However, when creating a session file, one may click on the Capture Tab and use the browse button to specify a different default capture folder.

Once a session has been created, that default location cannot be redefined, but can be overridden at will.
EmulationHOW TO VERIFY INSTALLATION OF OVFSCAN (OV5.0)InstallationN/AISSUE: How does one verify the installation of OVFSCAN, the host scanning utility used in conjunction with IXF transfers?

RESOLUTION: Instructions for installation of OVFSCAN may be found in the online System Administrator's Guide (in the OutsideView folder on the Start menu). To verify that OVFSCAN is correctly installed:

1. At the TACL prompt, attempt to run OVFSCAN. If OVFSCAN is installed properly, it displays a prompt similar to:
System browse utility, Rev 1.0 (C) Crystal Point Inc. 1996-
Press Enter to return to the TACL prompt.

If you receive a message similar to "ERROR* Illegal executable file format", the OVFSCAN file has been placed onto the Tandem host but has not yet been updated to the correct type. Change volume to $SYSTEM.SYSTEM and enter:

If the INSPECT symbolic debugger is invoked, OVFSCAN was most likely uploaded to the host as a text file (it must be uploaded as a binary file).

If you receive a message similar to "ERROR* Name of variable, built-in, or file needed", then OVFSCAN does not exist in the $SYSTEM.SYSTEM directory, or is the wrong type.

2. If OVFSCAN exists in the system directory, verify the type and settings of the file. At the TACL prompt enter:
The result should be similar to:
Code EOF Last Modification Owner RWEP PExt SExt
OVFSCAN 100 57574 17-Mar-97 17:37:15 255,255 "NUNU" 4 12
EmulationSECURITY/RIGHTS ISSUES IN TANDEM FTP/IXFFile TransferN/AISSUE: When browsing the Tandem host using functionality provided by OVFSCAN and attempting to download files via IXF or FTP, messages about security or file open errors occur.

RESOLUTION: The situation is that OVFSCAN will show all files at a host system, but you may not have the permissions/privileges/rights to access the displayed files. This is obviously an important consideration for IXF and FTP when talking to a Tandem host.

The Tandem's security hierarchy is very complicated, allowing it to be implemented at different layers of the file and system structures. There could be a number of reasons that you are not granted access.

It should be noted that OutsideView's ability to list files does not break security. Anything that OVFSCAN reports to the file browser can be accomplished on the command line using existing tools available under the Tandem Operating System. You can switch to the intended subvolume on a specified node and request a file download. In essence, you can roam/view, but may not be able to access what you see.

The best way to test your access is to visit the volume where the file resides and attempt to rename a file using the command:
where FILE1 is the existing filename and NEWFILE is a new name.

If you have rights to open/copy/duplicate the file, this command should be successful. If you don't have proper rights, it will fail. If you don't have the rights to rename a file, then you won't be able to download it either.
EmulationIXF Overwrite Host Files optionFile TransferN/AISSUE: When trying to IXF a file to the host, where is the option to overwrite existing files?

RESOLUTION: The IXF Send dialog has the overwrite host files option checkbox.
EmulationCANNOT CHANGE MODES WITHIN FTP SESSIONFile TransferN/AISSUE: When trying to switch an FTP session from command line mode to dialog mode, a page fault is encountered.

RESOLUTION FTP sessions are not designed to allow dynamic mode switching, and it should not be attempted. You should either close the session in one mode and restart it in another mode, or run multiple sessions in different modes.
EmulationMULTIPLE SOCKETS PER IP ADDRESSOtherN/AISSUE: The Tandem host utility SCF indicated OutsideView was using multiple sockets for the workstation's IP address.

RESOLUTION: OutsideView uses a multiple document interface (MDI) to run separate, concurrent sessions. One invocation, or instance, of OutsideView supports multiple sessions. In this case, multiple sessions were connected to the Tandem in the same instance of OutsideView, using several sockets for the workstation's IP address. If SCF or other host utility shows multiple connections per workstation, check the OutsideView Window menu for a list of the active sessions on that workstation.

NOTE: To check sockets per connection:
$CLX9TACL1> scf
SCF - T9082D30 - (17APR95) (17MAY95) - 11/07/96 09:48:50 System \K1000
Copyright Tandem Computers Incorporated 1986 - 1995
(Invoking \K1000.$CLX9.JIMH.SCFCSTM)
1-> assume process $ztc0
2-> status


PPID............ ( 1, 67) BPID................... ( 0, 0)

Proto State Laddr Lport Faddr Fport SendQ RecvQ
TCP ESTAB 1047 1056 0 0
TCP ESTAB 1047 1058 0 0
EmulationUnlicensed File ErrorFile TransferN/AISSUE: A user reported they were getting the error message "Unlicensed privileged program" when trying to perform IXF file transfers.

RESOLUTION: This error message is a Tandem host generated message referring to the IXF host program. IXF was not licensed properly on the Tandem. This symptom was resolved by correcting the Tandem license for the Tandem's IXF program..

To check the license status of IXF on the Tandem host, go to $system.system, then type fileinfo ixf. There will be information about IXF showing and under Code will be 100L (L means that the license is registered, no L means it is not). If the ixf file is not licensed, contact your Tandem System Administrator.
EmulationBypassing OVFSCAN to identify a file for IXF receiveFile TransferN/AISSUE: User does not want to use OVFSCAN to navigate to, and select, a particular file for IXF download. He already knows the exact file he needs.

RESOLUTION: OVFSCAN is an AID, not a requirement. Users may use OVFSCAN to find a file, or they may type in the \Machine.$Volume.Subvolume and file names to directly identify file(s).

The IXF Receive field " \Machine.$Volume.Subvolume" does not display its default content - but the field contains the current path for the signed on user. For instance, if a user logs on to \K1000.$clx9.sub1 and then triggers an IXF receive, the field \Machine.$Volume.Subvolume (although not displaying the value) contains that path information.

Or, if that same user has changed volumes (from the TACL prompt) to, say, \k1000.$clx9.sub2 and THEN invokes an IXF receive, the field \Machine.$Volume.Subvolume will contain the then-active path information. If the desired file is in that path, the user need type in only the file name.

Also, the user can just plain type in the full \Machine.$Volume.Subvolume information into the IXF field, overriding the user's active path.
EmulationWhat is the latest version of OutsideView?Versions/SpecificationsN/AISSUE: What is the latest version of OutsideView and how do I get it?

RESOLUTION: Crystal Point's most recent maintenance version of OutsideView is 8.1

Contact for access, please
EmulationError during Enterprise install: Cannot create license poolInstallationN/AISSUE: During Enterprise Installation, received error about "Cannot Create License pool" and the installation terminated.

RESOLUTION: This was an update of the Enterprise installation, overlaying an existing licensepool. The license pool was open within LicenseView, causing the error. Close the license pool, and rerun installation.
EmulationTell me how to set my local colors individually even when using an Enterprise session or workspaceCustomizationTN6530ISSUE: Tell me how to set my local colors individually even when using an Enterprise session or workspace

RESOLUTION: If you are using Workspace, session or color files automatically replicated onto your PC by OutsideView Enterprise, you have some new options in OutsideView 8.0.

It used to be that you could use the Enterprise-supplied configuration files so that the Enterprise administrator could make changes once and have them automatically and immediately replicated out to all users. The 'catch' was that - to make lasting changes to those files - you had to save any changed configuration files under a new name and so lose that dynamic link.

So your choice was - have your preferred settings OR have the Supervisor able to update your configuration files on a group basis. One or the other - not BOTH.

With OutsideView 8.0, that's changed. Now, the Enterprise Supervisor can pick which settings local users can change (and which they can't). For instance, end-users might be allowed to change colors, but not host addresses. The intent is to let you have the optimum blend of user flexibility and Operational oversight.

Back on topic, now…

To save YOUR local color preferences, merely change colors as you normally would, and save them. You can 'overwrite' the color file sent by the Enterprise and it will, secretly, be stored under a different name. You can save your new color settings under a different color file name, and the session file will, secretly, be stored in a modified state knowing to call the new color file.

Bottom line; either way; you get to have the colors you like, while the Enterprise administrator can retain the ability to modify those session file settings he/she wishes to control centrally.
EmulationIs there a fast way to move between the various Dynamic Input Assistance modes?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: Is there a fast way to move between the various Dynamic Input Assistance modes?

RESOLUTION: When you are in one of the DIA modes, you can 'toggle' from mode to mode at will. An F1 brings up the dialog for choosing modes, F2 places you immediately into Text edit mode, F3 places you immediately into Command History mode, F4 places you immediately into Spell Check mode
EmulationIs there any way to disable context sensitivity in Command History?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: Is there any way to disable context sensitivity in Command History mode?

RESOLUTION: If you clear the context file (Session, Dynamic Input Settings, Command History tab, Clear Context List button) and uncheck the "Only Activate in Valid Context" setting, then command history will be accumulated without context sensitivity.
EmulationI need to enter my SSH passphrase but only see a 'password' field.ConfigurationN/AISSUE: I want to use public key files for my SSH session, but don't know where to enter my passphrase

RESOLUTION: The SSH configuration dialog is adaptive. When set to accept host account, it will prompt for password. If you configure the session to use public key files, it will prompt for passphrase.
EmulationHow can I modify the colors of an Enterprise-provided session file?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: How can I modify the colors of an Enterprise-provided session file?

RESOLUTION: In OutsideView 7.3 you have two choices. Use the Enterprise-provided session file without changes (which preserves the central administrator's ability to modify/update such files for you). OR, modify the colors and session files, and save them to another name via SAVE AS (giving a local files, interrupting the central administrator's ability to help maintain that file's settings for you.)

In OutsideView 8.0, users may simply modify and SAVE changes within the basic Enterprise-provided session files. Such changes are stored in local modifier files. This lets the end-user make whatever changes he wants (and the administrator permits), while preserving the central administrator's ability to protect and/or dynamically modify other settings.
EmulationSFTP: got the following error dialog: 1103 4: FailureFile TransferN/AISSUE: In SFTP transfer got the following error dialog: 1103 4: Failure

RESOLUTION: This is OpenSSH error, here are some common situations where OpenSSH reports this not-so-helpful error message:
* Renaming file to name of already existing file.
* Moving remote file to different file system (HDD).
* Uploading file to full filesystem (HDD).
* Exceeding user disk quota.
EmulationSession capture is losing blank linesSession BehaviorN/AISSUE: When I view my session logs, all the blank lines are missing.

RESOLUTION: This behavior is deliberate. We had a number of customers complain about the amount of white space in a log file, and request we compress it somehow. So, we made it the default behavior to omit blank lines in a capture log.

You can get the blank lines back if you set the option to “Include control characters in log file”.
EmulationHow can I get OV8 to recognize new command history contexts?InfrastructureN/AISSUE: How can I get OutsideView 8.0 to recognize additional Command History contexts?

RESOLUTION: Go to Session, Dynamic Input Settings, select the "Dynamic Input Settings" button, and the Cmd History tab. There, click on Edit Context List. You may edit the Context list to add, change or delete contexts. This requires regular expression (regex) syntax. For more information about regular expression syntax, see
EmulationHow can I best use FC with OutsideView 8.0's new command edit capability?DisplayN/AISSUE: The font sizes are different between the regular screen and the Dynamic Input Assistance area. This makes Fix Command (FC) very hard to use. Any suggestions?

RESOLUTION: We hope you will use our direct edit capability to repair your command, and so not need FC so much anymore. However, we made it very easy to 'toggle' Dynamic Input Assistance off and on just for situations like this. From the menu, choose Session, Dynamic Input On/Off to and so have the fonts on both lines the same.
EmulationI am having trouble copy/pasting from the regular screen into the Dynamic Input Assistance areaDynamic Input AssistanceN/AISSUE: How can I copy/paste from the main emulation screen into the Dynamic Input Assistance area (Command History, Command Completion, Edit Box, etc.)?

RESOLUTION: The new Dynamic Input region of the screen is an entirely different environment than the basic emulation. When in Dynamic Assistance mode, it is not possible to select from the regular terminal screen. So, dynamically turn Dynamic Assistance off (Select Session, Dynamic Input On/Off) select and Edit-Copy whatever you wish. Then, turn Dynamic Assistance back on and Edit-Paste your clipboard's contents in.
EmulationUnable to see the System menu when accessing via SSHDisplayN/AISSUE: Unable to see the System menu when accessing via SSH

RESOLUTION: There is a way to use service menu in OV80
Please be aware that you have to configure SSH2 and STN PTYSERVER as well if you want to use a service menu
The services offered by the STN PTYSERVER process can be configured using
(from the SecurTN Reference Manual)
Starting a TN6530 session with STN
STN is a TN6530 server, which means that STN accepts session requests from TN6530 clients
like Win530 and J6530 running on remote workstations. STN is very similar in operation to
Compaq NSK Telserv, with a few differences and with additional messages at session startup
time. These messages are controlled by several STNCOM commands:
• ADD LISTENER (MENU and DEFAULT parameters)
• ADD SERVICE (MENU parameter)
BANNER is a global control over STN messages. The default setting is Y which allows display of
messages. With BANNER set to N, no STN messages are displayed (except in case of errors).
If MENU HIDDEN is specified for the listener, then no menu of services is displayed. This is
useful when the list of services might confuse the user or encourage the user to "explore".
With MENU VISIBLE (the default setting), a list of services is displayed. The list includes any
services configured with MENUVISIBLE.
When the DEFAULT parameter is omitted, then the TN6530 client must specify a service name or
a window name. If a DEFAULT parameter is configured for the listener, then the specified service
is used just as if it had been entered by the TN6530 client. The service should be defined by ADD
SERVICE in the normal manner. If the service is not available, then the menu is redisplayed. This
feature is useful to allow users to automatically connect to a specific service.
ADD SERVICE (MENU parameter)
If MENU VISIBLE (the default setting) is configured for the service, then the service name will
be included in the menu. If MENU HIDDEN is configured, then the service name will not be
displayed, but still may be entered by the TN6530 client.
• The menu can be suppressed by BANNER N or by ADD LISTENER MENU
• When a menu is formatted, only the names of services with ADD SERVICE MENU
VISIBLE are included.
• The TN6530 client can specify any valid service name, even if the menu is
suppressed or the service name is not displayed.
• When a DEDICATED window matches the IP address of the TN6530 client, then no
service menu is displayed and the session will be automatically connected to the
matching window.
A new message was added:
STN49 Using Listener Default Service
Indicates that the listener is configured with a default service which is being used for the session.
A STN48 message will follow to display the actual service name.

So Here are the parameters that you need to add to the obey file to start PTY:

(from the SSH2 readme file):

- 6530 shell channels can now be connected to a service menu provided by
the STN PTYSERVER. This resembles the functionality of TELSERV, providing
dynamic services, as well as services connecting to static windows.
The service menu can be enabled as follows:
EmulationI am getting user preference (.cus) files in my Enterprise share. Why?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: Why do I see User Preference (.CUS, etc) files in my Enterprise share?

RESOLUTION: This is a sneaky one! When you use Supervisor mode to modify the profile, then exit Supervisor mode and start OutsideView in regular mode - WITH OV set to "Open last Workspace" - then even though all your current settings are showing OV is looking locally, it has actually opened the true last workspace - the one in the Enterprise share. Delete the User preference files in the Share, and either turn off the "Open last workspace" switch on the PC where you use Supervisor mode or remember to do an explicit "open workspace" each time you switch between Supervisor and Non-Supervisor mode. Our recommendation is to open workspaces manually on the PC where you use Supervisor mode.
EmulationMy Dynamic Input fields are acting 'funny' - they don't resize correctly when I resize my overall OV screen.ConfigurationN/AISSUE: My DIA fields are not resizing properly when I resize OV.

RESOLUTION: This usually occurs due to a font issue. OutsideView 8 supports many more fonts than earlier OV versions - but it does NOT support a few that older OV did. It does not support, for instance, Courier. If you are using a session file created in an earlier version of OV which calls a now-unsupported font, the automatic resizing of the DIA field is damaged. Simple modify the session file to use a currently supported font.
EmulationMy SQL-licensed OutsideView 8 won't connect. Error is 80131937 - SQL server does not exist or access denied.ConfigurationN/AISSUE: SQL licensing returns error of 80131937 - SQL server does not exist or access denied

RESOLUTION: This will happen if a firewall (at client or at SQL serve) prevents connection.
EmulationI tried to revert to OV7.3 from OV8.0 and am getting errors now.ConfigurationN/AISSUE: How can I revert from OV8 back to OV7.3

RESOLUTION: OV7.3 knows nothing of OV8, of course. You must uninstal OV8 before an OV7.3 reinstall.
EmulationI keep getting an error in SFTP saying the host has returned a fingerprint that doesn't match previous records. Please confirm I still trust.SecurityN/AISSUE: I keep getting an error in SFTP saying the host has returned a fingerprint that doesn't match previous records and "Please confirm I still trust the host". How can I stop getting that message?

RESOLUTION: First, be sure the host fingerprint should have changed. After that, you can clear the previous value from within the Hosts.xml file on your local PC. This file is located in each users Application Data\Crystal Point\OutsideView\SSH Store sub-folder.
EmulationCan I distribute a Hosts.xml file via EnterpriseSecurityN/AIssue: Can I distribute a Hosts.xml file via Enterprise?

RESOLUTION: Yes. Place the chosen hosts.xml file into the Enterprise Profile's SSH store and it will be replicated out to all profile members. CAUTION: This will overwrite the end-user's local Hosts.xml file, if it exists.
EmulationHow should I distribute SFTP sessions in Enterprise mode?SSHN/AISSUE: How can I distribute SFTP sessions in Enterprise mode, so each user can use their own accounts?

RESOLUTION: In Enterprise mode, create and save an SFTP session that does not retain user credentials. When end-users open that 'empty' session, they can enter their credentials once, and save that session. Thereafter, their credentials will automatically be used. (This is an example of detailed end-user permissions, new in OV8)
EmulationWhen uninstalling OutsideView 8, some files, sometimes, remain. How do I fix this?InstallationN/AISSUE: When uninstalling OutsideView, some files, sometimes, remain. How do I fix this?

RESOLUTION: Microsoft acknowledges that, when frequently installing/uninstalling software, their registry can get 'confused'. In the registry, navigate to HKLM\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\shareddlls. There, scroll through the list of shared dlls to find the C:\program files\crystal point file set. If you see dlls whose data value is wildly different from 1 or 2, their values are 'confused' Delete such items, and they will not be retained upon uninstall.
EmulationI have made changes to my Session files, but then I don't see them under Session settings? What gives?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: I have made changes to my Session files, but then I don't see them under Session Settings? What gives?

RESOLUTION: This question comes from an Enterprise installation, where the end-user has permission to change, just for himself, selected settings of a session file 'sent' from a central location.

The view the end-user has into the session file always reflects the central (standard) copy. Local modifications may be in effect, but they are hidden. To change any of the settings, including the locally modified ones, merely set the session settings to be the way you want, and then save the session. The changes will take effect, even if not displayed
EmulationMy SSH session does not connect. Where can I look for error messages?SSHN/AISSUE: My SSH session does not connect. Where can I look for error messages?

RESOLUTION: In the failed session window, select View, Session Log
EmulationWhy are my local OutsideView folders Shared?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: Why are my local OutsideView folders Shared?

RESOLUTION: There is currently a bug, in Vista, that causes some folders to be listed as shared when they should not be. Further, the bug causes problems when trying to delete those folders. (The delete process will never complete). Until Vista repairs this defect, the workaround is to highlight the folder, go to its sharing properties page and select "Stop Sharing". This process will not close out properly, either, so you then have to select Cancel. Folder is now no longer listed as shared and can be deleted at will.
EmulationI am getting an error about "COM class not registered" when trying to start an SSL session.CitrixN/AISSUE: I am getting an error about "COM class not registered" when trying to start an SSL session.

RESOLUTION: The DLL most closely tied to OutsideView SSL sessions is CPICrypt.dll, located (by default) in your C:\Program Files\Crystal Point\OutsideView folder. Open a command window, CD to C:\Program Files\Crystal Point\OutsideView, and type in "regsvr32 CPICrypt.dll" You should receive confirmation the dll is registered. Reboot/Restart your PC.
EmulationMy attempt to test a SQL database connection is hung - trying foreverInfrastructureN/AISSUE: Test Connection into a SQL license pool never succeeds, never times out

RESOLUTION: This is known to occur when the server name is improperly entered; specifically with a backslash ( \ ) character is used for first character of server name. End License View via Task Manager.
EmulationWhat is the password for the SQL user 'ovuser' created during the SQL Enterprise install?InstallationN/AISSUE: What is the password for the SQL user 'ovuser' created during the SQL Enterprise install?

RESOLUTION: Password for ovuser is “Testu12” Originally this value was “1234”. However, it would appear that on some SQL Enterprise servers, they implement a security check to make sure that login users that get created have a password that meets the authentication criteria such as password length between 6 – 8 chars
EmulationUpdate to Visual CommBasic Reference manual - CrtSetCursorMacroN/AISSUE: Late change/update to the Visual CommBasic Reference manual regarding use of the CrtSetCursor

Note: if using this function in combination with the Emit command to place data into multiple data fields on a block mode screen; each Emit command should be followed with a WaitSilent(0) command to be sure the emulator has processed any data that maybe in it’s typeahead buffer from the previous Emit command.
EmulationUpdate to Visual CommBasic Reference manual - Emit statementMacroN/AISSUE: Late Change for the Visual CommBasic Reference manual regarding use of the Emit statement.

Current Text for Emit

If the terminal emulation is non-conversational (i.e., Tandem block mode or 3270), it will accept and act on the emitted data according to its rules and current screen formatting.

To send data to just the emulation module for display on the screen, use the CrtEmit statement.

Replace with:

If the terminal emulation is non-conversational (i.e., Tandem block mode or 3270), it will accept and act on the emitted data according to its rules and current screen formatting.

Also note the emit data is placed into the emulation’s typeahead buffer in an asynchronous operation. This can cause problems if you are using the CrtSetCursor to forcibly move the cursor rather than tabbing to the next data field.

In this case, use a WaitSilent(0) command before the CrtSetCursor command to make sure the emulator has processed all the data in its typeahead buffer.

To send data to just the emulation module for display on the screen, use the CrtEmit statement.
(Not recommended for block mode emulators).
EmulationupdateMacroN/AISSUE: Late Change/Note for the Visual CommBasic Reference manual regarding use of the WaitSilent statement.

If you use a timeout value of zero then this command waits until the emulator clears its typeahead buffer of any keyboard input that the emulator has yet to process.
EmulationMy Shortcut frame does not show the session names. (It's white on white). What can I do about that?CitrixN/AISSUE: My session shortcut frame uses modified colors and is white in color. I cannot see the session names. What's wrong?

RESOLUTION: The session names are always displayed in white. So, if the session shortcut frame is modified to be white, the display is white on white, making the session names invisible.

So, choose a Windows theme where the session shortcut frame is not white, OR modify your Windows theme to affect that specific property. The Windows display property that controls the color of the Session Shortcut frame is “Inactive Title Bar” Just make sure that property is non-white to have the sessions names display.
EmulationMore information about .Net requirementInfrastructureN/ARESOLUTION: OutsideView 8.0 requires a minimum of .Net 2.0- Service Pack 1. Just .Net 2.0 alone does not work.
EmulationWhen starting OutsideView all you see is the splash screen. If you attempt to run the outcore.exe executable directly you get an error of 0xC000005.ConfigurationN/AISSUE: When starting OutsideView, the ‘splash’ screen displays, then the application terminates without OV error messages, and displays the Microsoft "Host to exit" dialog. Running outcore.exe executable directly, results in an error of 0xC000005.

RESOLUTION: Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) versions prior to 11.0.4000.XXXX prevent the .NET environment from starting correctly during the main boot sequence for OutsideView.

If you have the SEP product, it is recommended that you upgrade their SEP to version or newer. If that is not practical for some, reason, you can enable OutsideView to run via a registry setting that disables part of the Symantec functionality:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysPlant:Startup value needs to be set to a value of 4 to disable the SysPlant driver in Symantec Protection Agent (SPA)
EmulationWhen using Edit, OutsideView can hang in KBD LOCKConfigurationN/AISSUE: When using OutsideView to EDIT a file, after using multiple function keys and moving/deleting text, the EDIT session becomes unresponsive. If you leave the terminal session alone for several minutes, EDIT eventually comes back with message of VS ABORTED BECAUSE OF I/O ERROR - $RECEIVE;[ (040) NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR THIS FILE. TRY EDIT/MEM 64/

RESOLUTION: Start EDIT using the /MEM 64 option.
EmulationDynamic Input Assistance (DIA) requires line mode in 6530 emulationConfigurationN/AISSUE: I cannot get Dynamic Input Assistance to activate.

RESOLUTION: User had to turn on line mode
EmulationtestN/AN/Atest 2
EmulationUpon startup, Enterprise 'client' gets error "Cannot read Privileges.cpg" or "User Privileges Read Store failed"ConfigurationN/AISSUE: NSSO (Single signon) works from my XP device, but not my Windows 7 device. I get the error, "The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC"

Within the Enterprise implementation of OutsideView 8.0, the OV 'client' looks to local storage for configuration information (e.g.; C:\Documents and Settings\[User_Name]\Application Data\Crystal Point\OutsideView\Param).
When the OV 'client' is started in the special Supervisor mode, however, it looks to the Enterprise share point (e.g.; \\[Server_Name]\[Share-Name]\Profile\[Profile_Name]\config\Param)

The problem here is that, intermittently, the settings modified via Supervisor are retained. When the OV client is next started in normal mode, these incorrect settings will cause the error messages described.

TO FIX: This will be fixed in release 8.1 and above. Until then, the fix is to start OutsideView, select Edit | Application Settings| Directories, and correct the settings for Sessions, Macro and Components to specify local storage locations:
for Sessions: C:\Users\[User_Name]\AppData\Roaming\Crystal Point\OutsideView\Param\
for Macro: C:\Users\[User_Name]\AppData\Roaming\Crystal Point\OutsideView\Macro\
for Components: C:\Users\[User_Name]\AppData\Roaming\Crystal Point\OutsideView\Components\
EmulationUninstall of OutsideView leaves files behindN/AN/AISSUE: Uninstall of OutsideView leaves some files behind

RESOLUTION: The Microsoft uninstall process should leave behind, in the C:\Program Files\Crystal Point\OutsideView folder, any files created or copied in since the product was first installed, such as session, workspace or other component files you might have placed there. Further, such created files should also remain within the individual users personal storage area, e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\[User_Name]\Application Data\Crystal Point.

However, Windows can get confused…. If you are seeing files left behind that you did NOT create, go into the Registry Editor (regedit) and to the branch HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls
Look for C:\Program File\Crystal Point and remove any entries that are in there
EmulationWhen I reboot my PC, the first time I start OutsideView 8.x, it starts up slowly.N/AN/AISSUE: After reboot or Power off of a PC, OutsideView 8.x starts up slowly the first time.

OutsideView 8.1 makes extensive use of .Net technology. Current (plus previous two) release of Microsoft Installer has a bug that prevents it from compiling the .Net objects upon installation. The workaround is to use a JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, to create native (machine specific) executable code. The drawback of this is that users may, depending on their PC's power, experience a perceptible delay each time OutsideView is started following a reboot or power off.
This delay may be avoided by (persistently) compiling the .Net components on your specific PC into Native code. To do that:
1) Navigate to the OutsideView installation media's Utilities folder
2) Double-click to execute the file InstallOVNativeImage
A) As prompted, browse to your OutsideView installation location typically C:\Program Files\Crystal Point\OutsideView)
B) Click Install to create the native code

NOTE 1: When uninstalling OutsideView, these files will need to be manually uninstalled, as they are necessarily created after the Installer process completes

NOTE 2: Each time a new version of OutsideView is installed, the .Net components will need to be re-compiled.
EmulationMy Auto-login has stopped working. What should I do?N/AN/AIssue: ID Management has stopped working. What should I do?

RESOLUTION: In this particular case, the user had a workspace with 4 sessions. Each session accessed a different host, and all sessions had the same ID type. After a period of time, the auto-login behavior failed after logging in the first session only. Viewing the Session Bar, it was noted that the sessions did not list an ID type. User opened each session, confirmed the ID Type setting, and saved each session. User saved his workspace and re-opened it. All was well, and Session Bar correctly listed ID Types, as well.

Session Bar
EmulationOutsideView 8.1 does an automatic install of Microsoft .Net 3.5, SP1. Can I disable that?N/AN/AISSUE: OutsideView 8.1 does an automatic install of Microsoft .Net 3.5, SP1. Can I disable that?

RESOLUTION: Yes. To bypass this process, we will have you extract the OutsideView.msi file. This is the portion of the overall OutsideViewSetup.exe file that does only the OutsideView installation.
To create the .msi file, all you have to do is the following:
1. Enter a CMD window, navigate to the folder containing the OutsideViewSetup.exe file. (e.g., C:\OV81\Setup\OutsideView)
2. Type: OutsideViewSetup /a
The above command starts the InstallShield Wizard.
Follow its prompts, specifying a network location in which to place the extracted OutsideView.msi installation image
3. Launch the resulting OutsideView.msi file and that will start the installation process without the check for the .NET Framework.
EmulationNotes on Automatic FailoverN/AN/AIssue: Notes on Automatic Failover/Failback


The first run of OutsideView (client) will not successfully replicate the failover.txt file because the individual user file tree is not yet created. It takes two starts before the failover.txt will appear locally.

Use of the "Pristine Mode" switch within Client Administration of Supervisor Override mode will cause deletion of the failover.txt file, if it exists at the hub in the Profile folder. A workaround is to A) NOT leave the pristine mode switch on for extended periods or B) place the failover.txt file into EACH individual …\Components subfolder.
EmulationWhat are the passwords for the OV 8.1 regular
and OV 8.1 Japanese releases?
N/AN/AOV_8_1.exe; NOV81+)cp

OV_8_1-Japanese; NOV81+)cpJ
EmulationWhen I set user permissions via Supervisor mode and restrict the number of sessions permitted, the values are, apparently, not retained once I exit Supervisor mode.N/AN/AISSUE: When I set user permissions via Supervisor mode to restrict the number of sessions permitted, the values are, apparently, not retained once I exit Supervisor mode.

RESOLUTION: When you use Supervisor mode to set the number of sessions allowed, you need to then run OV in regular mode. If, instead, you exit supervisor and then immediately re-enter supervisor mode, you will not see the proper values (although they will be in effect). Once you run OV in regular mode, you will see the proper values within Supervisor mode, too.
EmulationA power-loss during OutsideView execution caused my PC to 'lose' OutsideVIew. It seems to be uninstalled.N/AN/AISSUE: Microsoft registry defect results in loss of registry branches upon power-loss, power-off, or unplug of PC. (Program files remain present, but application is no onger registered or available for use)

RESOLUTION: This issue is not specific to OutsideView, but is a defect with the registry and can manifest on multiple products. The only remediation is to use System Recover, or to reinstall the affected product.
EmulationI created a new sub-volume on my Guardian disk, but when I try to browse to it within my SFTP session, it is not listed. Why not?N/AN/AISSUE: I created a new sub-volume on my Guardian disk, but when I try to browse to it within my SFTP session, it is not listed. Why not?

RESOLUTION: Graphical browsing within the Guardian file system is an add-on capability, enabled via hint files. Hint files provide a static 'snapshot' of the file system, so a newly created sub-volume is not recognized until the hint files are updated. To update the hint files; run the macro FTPHints.vcb from a TACL prompt.
EmulationI am configuring the new failover/failback for my Enterprise installation, but the failover never triggers.N/AN/AISSUE: After configuring the failover.txt file, tests are unsuccessful.

RESOLUTION: This user has correctly set the failover.txt file, but then also set the 'pristine' mode switch so that files from the host were destroyed. This resulted in the failover information being deleted, too. Once the Enterprise setting to remove all old files and re-synch with host was disabled, failover worked.
EmulationCaution when editing profile_usersN/AN/AISSUE: When SupervisorMode | Edit | Application Settings | Client Administration is invoked, it will make a case-sensitive comparison between the [HEADING] in profile_users and profile directory name on the administrative share when populating the Profile Manager [HEADING] list box.

“Plain” OutsideView, on the other hand, ignores case when looking for users/groups to determine profile membership. If administrators edit profile_users directly (e.g. using NotePad) and are not meticulous about this, there may be some confusion as to whether or not this section of SupervisorMode is working properly.

Refrain from editing profile_users directly. However, if you must edit profile_users directly, assure that the content of [HEADING] matches the directory name on the administrative share including upper/lowercase letters.
EmulationOSS-Guardian mode switch in FTP, not working across Remote VPN connection.N/AN/AISSUE: The Guardian/OSS mode switch in FTP is not working across a Remote VPN connection.

RESOLUTION: The remote VPN client access had to be reconfigured:
1. Open ISA Management MMC
2. Right click on VPN clients access rule and choose configure FTP
3. Uncheck the “read only” box and apply the change
EmulationCitrix Server error; unable to access param folder, unable to copy configurationsN/AN/AISSUE: Citrix Server error; unable to access param folder, unable to copy configurations

RESOLUTION: This turned out to be a configuration error within VMWARE shared folders option. The difference between VMware shared folders and a Windows share is that VMware shares will let you share folders between virtual machines within a VMware environment that may or may not be accessible within the structure of the regular network.

This article references slightly different errors, but very similar.

Check to see if the Documents and Settings folder on the Citrix server only has the Vmware folder with the HGFS.dat file only. That will be a good indication that the problem is the Vmware shared folder option.
EmulationMy connections are lost overnightN/AN/AISSUE: My connections are lost overnight.

RESOLUTION: The PC was set to go to sleep via Power Management. When it did so, it stopped sending or responding to host keep-alive packets, so the host decided the connection was idle and killed it.
EmulationWhen transferring a file via FTP within OV, is there a way to specify the max file size on the Tandem so that I can send a file larger than 56 mb?N/AN/AIn Guardian, yes. Open the File transfer session. Right-click on the local file you want to send, select Upload with Atributes. You will receive a settings dialog to set file extents.
EmulationI was unable to enter my pass phrase in XYGATEKMN/AN/AISSUE: When we run Keycom, everything works until we put in the Pass Phrase. Outside view 8.1a will not let us enter any Characters.

RESOLUTION: When using ctrl+v to insert data into the Key Com passphrase field, our automatic mode switching between Guardian and OSS personalities is getting a false positive from the Xygate module, resulting in moving to the OSS/Unix mode and stopping character echo.

The workaround is to simply go the OutsideView session file, select Session, Session Settings, and the icon for Protocol. There, turn off the checkbox enabling automatic mode switching. That will avoid the false positive and resolve your issue.
EmulationInstallation Interupped for OutsideView 8.xN/AN/AISSUE: When trying to install OutsideView 8.x, the installater fails with the message "Installation Interupted"

RESOLUTION: Check the VC Runtime library (VC90 CRT) and version. You must have version 9.0.21022.8 or higher

To check those values, look in the C:\Windows\WinSXS folder.
For an Intel x86 processor, the file would be similar to: x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_x-ww_d08d0375
For an AMD processor, the file would be similar to amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_none_99b61f5e8371c1d4
Note that the data after the version number may differ (_x-www_d0ce5d1a)….

At the very least our installation is expecting VC90 CRT (9.0.21022.8) to be installed on the machine. If it isn’t there then you need to install the VC Runtime library via a redistributable installation from the Microsoft website:

After installing the Visual C++ runtime library, try installaing OutsideView again.
EmulationHow can I dock a toolbar that I made 'float'?N/AN/AISSUE: I right-clicked in the Dynamic Toolbars title bar area and selected the Floating property. Now, I want to turn it off, but it doesn't seem to accept an uncheck. How can I turn off the floating property?

RESOLUTION: double-click from the toolbar's title bar area.

NOTE: The 'state' of toolbars can be stored at the OV (global default) level if you modify the toolbar setting when no workspace is open. This 'state' would then apply as you construct new workspaces.

The 'state' of toolbars is also stored per workspace. So, setting toobar behavior with a workspace open applies to THAT toolbar only. Setting toolbar behavior with no workspace open (e.g. "untitled workspace) applies to OV using 'untitled workspace' and thus also when creating new workspaces…
EmulationUpon OV startup, receive VCRun error of "VCRun must be started from within OutsideView"N/AN/AISSUE: Upon OV startup, receive VCRun error of "VCRun must be started from within OutsideView"

RESOLUTION: Usually, this indicates a lack of the appropriate Visual C++ Runtime libraries. IF permitted by your corporate policies, access the Microsoft downalod are to acquire the libraries. Download/update your VC runtime redistributable libraries from Microsoft at:
EmulationError code 800423aaN/AN/AError code 800432aa means duplicate license usage detected. (another copy of OV on another PC is already using the same serial number.
EmulationTACLLOG.vcb macro is no longer workingApplication StartupN/AISSUE: In some interim builds of OV8.1d (pre-release), the TACLLOG.vcb macro is no longer working properly. It gets through the login name, but hangs at the Password input field.

RESOLUTION: This is a timing issue, where the macro has become quite fast.

In the macro TACLLog.VCB, once the Password prompt is detected the macro is correctly sending the configured password. But it’s sending it a bit too fast for OV to digest it. The workaround is to add a WaitTime() call immediately before the Emit Pass call. This seems to work reliably. This issue should be resolved in 8.1d release.

(From the macro, line 42…)

if intRet > 0 then
WaitTime(50)  add this line, 50 = 50/100ths of a second
Emit Pass
Exit Sub
End If
EmulationAll Enterprise users pointing to same profileApplication StartupN/AISSUE: All my citrix\WinTerm users are pointing to the same profile.

RESOLUTION: Terminal Server 'Install Mode'
On Terminal Server 4.0, and 2000, when installing applications for use in "Application Server Mode" (which is the case for our customers), Microsoft strongly recomends that the administrator use 'Install Mode' to install the application. What this does is ensure that any system files are installed in the global %systemroot%\winnt location instead of the current user's private \winnt location. Additionally, all registry entries that are written while in 'Install Mode' are "shadowed." What this means, is that all OutsideView HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE keys written are copied to the following registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TerminalServer\Install\Machine\Crystal Point\...(etc.)…
and all OutsideView HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys are copied to the following registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TerminalServer\Install\Software\Crystal Point\...(etc.)…
The HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys that were "shadowed" while administrator was still in 'Install Mode' are progogated to all users who attempt to execute the newly installed application who don't already have a set of OutsideView HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys.
This is true for either the manual execution of the command-line CHANGE USER /INSTALL or Add/Remove Programs methods. Thus, it is an installation faux pas to run the freshly installed OutsideView client before changing back to 'Execute Mode' by manually executing CHANGE USER /EXECUTE, or by clicking the Finish button in the Add/Remove Programs wizard. The result of making this mistake is that all users who don't already have OutsideView HKEY_CURRENT_USER entries will get the "shadowed" copy that was created for the Admin who installed the app. Thus OutsideView will try to access the Admin's personal profile directory, and will be denied, and send one of those fun and exciting finely crafted "Can't have access to …" error messages.
I have reproduced this situation on TERMSERVER, which is a NT 4.0 Terminal Server box. This case should be reproduced on ACME-SMSSS.
Here is Microsoft's documentation on Terminal Server 'Install Mode' and what it does:
EmulationWhen using MDI view (tiled or cascaded) my Session file names do not displayN/AN/AISSUE: When using MDI view (tiled or cascaded) my Session file names do not display

RESOLUTION: As of OV8.1, there is a defect in the interaction between the 4 Office 2007 themes and the MDI display. Select View, Application Look, and some other theme to have titles re-appear.
EmulationCan I move the SQL database supporting my OutsideView Enterprise installation?N/AN/AISSUE: Can I move my SQL database without Reinstalling Enterprise OUtsideView?

RESOLUTION: Within OV, the connection string to the SQL database specifies server name and database name. Here is an example;
Driver={SQL Server};server=SQLSERVER200;trusted_connection=True;database=ov81_sql

If you build the new SQL server to have the same device name, and build or migrate the identically named database into it, (and then turn off or rename the prior device), there should be no problem. This is readily test-able if you have a LicenseView connection to the existing database. If, after your migration, that same unchanged connection now finds the database on the new server, instead, you are OK.

If that is not how your migration is going to go (i.e., you will have different server name or different database name), then you would have to

a) Modify the connection string within the silent.dta file(s) in each Profile’s \install folder. (This will address all future client OV installs.)

b) After updating the silent.dta file (or files) to address future installs, you would need to correct the pointer for all current users. You can either uninstall/reinstall all of them, or perhaps you would find it easier to simply push a corrected connection string to the registries of all users…..The string is listed (twice) at;
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Crystal Point\Licensing\OutsideView32\8.1;
EmulationErratic results in VI editor, within VT emulationN/AN/ADepending on the settings within your TERMCAP and TERMINFO, and .profile files, the terminal emulator and host may not have matching terminal type settings. To avoid this problem, give the command 'T Vt220' from the Oss prompt before entering Vi.
EmulationWhy is there not an option for "Use Passive Mode" in the new SFTP/FTP module?N/AN/AISSUE: In 'classic FTP' (FTP prior to 7.3), there was a checkbox to "Request Passive Mode". That option no longer exists in the newer FTP. Why not?

RESOLUTION: The new SFTP/FTP module is always in Passive mode. There is no other option. NOTE: Passive mode is required in order to encrypt the connection.
EmulationOutsideView installation terminates with message "The wizard was terminated before OutsideView could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified"N/AN/ARESOLUTION: Check for presence of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable –x86 9.0.30729.4148. Open Control Panel, Select "Programs,' View Installed Updates, and scroill thorugh the displayed list.
EmulationHow to turn off Dynamic Input Assistance (DIA)ConfigurationTN6530Issue: How can a user permanently turn off the DIA box?

Resolution: The DIA box can be turned off for an entire workspace by selecting the Default Application Settings option from the Edit menu and unchecking Enable Dynamic Input at the Dynamic Input Assistance tab, then resave the workspace.
EmulationIs OutsideView 8.1Windows 10 compatible?OtherN/AIssue: OutsideView Windows 10 compatibility

Resolution: OutsideView version 8.1i is compatible with Windows10. However, the user needs to enable .NET 3.5 via the Windows settings
EmulationHow to specify Binary vs. text file transfer in OutsideView FTPFile TransferOtherIssue: I want to use the OutsideView FTP utility for transferring files to Tandem (Guardian) machine as edit files and have the host automatically assign file code 101 on the server side.

Resolution: You just need to specify the ASCII mode option for the local side (left side of the screen)
EmulationSelective viewing of host outputConfigurationTN6530Issue: In conv mode, user would like to halt the output text that is coming from the host and then search for a specific job

Resolution: Go to the Display Categories and check Lock vertical cursor position. Now you can use the scrollbar to go up and down in the scrollback buffer or you can use the Find option from the Edit menu to search the scrollback buffer
EmulationTN6530 DOES NOT HAVE SHIFT+INSKeyboardN/AISSUE: I need to enter insert mode, but the keys Shift+Insert do not work. Why?

The default keyboard mapping for Insert Mode is Alt+Insert. If you wish to use a specific key combination for Insert Mode, use the Keyboard Mapper to reassign that terminal function.
OtherUNZIPPING PASSWORD PROTECTED ZIP FILESTech Tools/InfoN/AISSUE: How does one unzip a password-protected ZIP file?

First, you must have the program PKUNZIP on your PC.
At a DOS prompt enter: pkunzip -d -s

For example, if the ZIP filename is MYFIX.ZIP and the password provided by Support is PEACHES, you would enter pkunzip -d -sPEACHES myfix

NOTE: The password is case-sensitive.
EmulationOutsideViewWEB and Java Virtual MachinesInfrastructureN/AISSUE: What value should an Esc_ (escape underscore) sequence return to the host? Per the Programmer's Guide, this is a "Read full revision level" and should cause the emulation to return a three-character revision level to the host.

OutsideView 4.2 will return C00, OutsideView 5.0 will return G51. OutsideView 5.1 and above has a switch that permits specifying either C00 or G51.
OtherHow can I find the System Number for NSSL use?SecurityTN6530ISSUE: Any order for NonStop SSL (NSSL) must include a system number for each system that will run NSSL. How does one find that number?

RESOLUTION: Enter SYSINFO at a TACL prompt to display each system's system number.
OtherWhen trying to find and import my NSSL server certificate via my browser, I get a Page cannot be displayed message.SecurityN/AISSUE: When trying to find and import my NSSL server certificate via my browser, I get a "Page cannot be displayed' message.

RESOLUTION: This condition was encountered when the Computer's LAN settings were configured to specify a specific (outward-facing) proxy server. Attempts to access a page from an internal NonStop was unsuccessful. The fix was to open the Internet Explorer, select Tools, Internet Options, Connections, LAN settings, and remove the specification of the proxy server (leaving only 'automatically detect settings' checked ON).
SecurityNSSL as a NonStop ProcessSecurityN/AISSUE: Can NSSL be a Nonstop process?

RESOLUTION: NSSL can be configured as a generic process, but not as a NonStop process. It would be useless to configure NSSL as a NonStop process since it is dependant on Telservs and TCP/IP subsystems which, when they go down, kill all in-progress connections and force reconnection anyway. As a generic process, however, when a given instance of NSSL goes down, it can be immediately re-instantiated in another CPU (assuming the TCP/IP et al are also so configured). The delay would be on the order of a second or less, contingent on other load factors. And, because port and IP are relevant to the Telserv processes, this new instance of NSSL would 'talk' using the same IP and ports.

Summary: Any circumstance such as loss of a CPU which interrupts an instance of NSSL would interrupt all in-progress sessions, but a user could immediately re-connect (a new session) using the same IP and Port. This is, by the way, the same functionality now provided by plain Telserv - i.e. - a failure by Telserv would require an OutsideView user to re-connect.
SecurityNSSL server certificate handlingSecurityN/AISSUE: I don't understand server certificates and NSSL

RESOLUTION: Call Technical Support. But here is an overview
Server certificates are validated on a PC by 'chaining' up to some certifying authority. In a production environment, the server certificate is either purchased from someone like Verisign, or larger organizations can purchase from Verisign the ability to generate server certificates. In either case, the certifying authority is still Verisign. This provides a lot of benefits:
Verisign is a known certifying authority (i.e., is already in the local certificate store) on all PCs. There is no need to distribute anything to a PC for it to recognize a server certificate whose certifying authority is Verisign, or Thawte, or any of the standard organization like that.
Verisign and similar organizations keep watch for misuse of certificates and maintain a certificate revocation list. OutsideView can have its SSL configured to check that certificate revocation list every few sessions via the Online Certificate Store Protocol (OCSP).
VeriSign certificates expire in year or two. This forces them to be refreshed- which is like changing the combination on a safe; a good idea.
SecurityDisabling unencrypted Telnet sessionsSecurityN/AISSUE: Disabling Unencrypted Telnet sessions

RESOLUTION: There are actually a number of ways to do this. For instance, using a firewall around the NonStop to preclude non-SSL traffic and to close Port 23.
Our recommended method, though, is to isolate the Telserv process itself from the outer world. Start two TCP/IP stacks on the NonStop. One is bound to the Network Interface Card hardware as per usual. One stack (that is not bound to the hardware) is what the Telservs communicate with. NSSL would sit between the two stacks, proxying traffic between the two. The end result is that no one (other than the console) could reach the Telservs directly (i.e., using unencrypted traffic). NSSL would be listening only for SSL traffic inbound, and all outbound traffic from the Telservs would pass through the NSSL intermediary and be SSL by the time it arrived to the 'outer' TCP/IP stack.
SecurityHow to see which ports are associated with various process namesN/AN/AISSUE: I run multiple instances of NSSL. How can I tell which ports are in use by which processes?


Logon as super.super
enter command 'scf'
then enter command 'listopens process $ztc0' (or whichever IP stack)
SecurityWhen running NSSL as a client proxy, how do I pass it the resource string?ConfigurationN/AISSUE: I want to have NSSL act as a client proxy for a remote system, accepting https traffic and forwarding it to an http port. How do I pass NSSL the resource string (URL)?

RESOLUTION: The URL is passed automatically as part of the TCP/IP data stream (which NSSL doesn't alter). If you sniff http network traffic you'll see that the URL is part of the HTML request sent from the client to the browser.

Example: Start NSSL as follows:

run nssl /name $httpc/ proxyc; port 2244; targetport 443; targethost

This has NSSL connect to the URL Targetport 443 makes sure it goes to the https daemon on that web site
OtherAre there export restrictions on any of the Crystal Point products?Fonts-Intl IssuesN/AISSUE: Do any of the US restrictions on export of encryption technology impact any of the Crystal Point products?

RESOLUTION: No. All products (including rebranded security products NSSL and NSSH) are permitted for export.

On December 29, 2002 Crystal Point received licensing approval from the:

United States Department of Commerce
Bureau of Export Administration
Washington, DC 20230

Our ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) is 5D002
Our CCATS # is G019648

We are eligible for shipping under Sections 740.17 (B) (3) of the Export Admin Regulations
SecurityWhat are the internal build numbers for the NSSL releases levels?CitrixN/AISSUE: The NSSL release version also contain internal build numbers. What build numbers are in which releases?

RESOLUTION: NSSL 1.0 was build 1035.
NSSL 2.8 was build 1045
NSSL 2.9 is build 1048
NSSL 3.0 is build 1052
NSSL 3.1 is build 1054
SecuritySlow connections using NSSL and OVApplication StartupTN6530ISSUE: Slow connections using NSSL and OV

RESOLUTION: HP found a bug in the G06.24 TCPIP, seems NSSL and the loopback process has to be in the same cpu pair as the base TCPIP stack. And there is also the controller access maybe limited if the sac was not set to all cpus.
SecurityHow can I tell if a port is blocked by a firewall or other?SecurityN/AISSUE: I am not getting connected through OutsideView to a SSL-capable port. How can I tell if the port is open?

RESOLUTION: First, check all parameters, of course. Once you are sure you are trying correctly, view the NSSL log for that time frame; see if the connection attempt shows there. If it does not, that is pretty good indication that OV traffic is never getting to the NSSL listener port.

Another thing to try is:
try connecting to the SSL-capable listening port from Windows Telnet Client, i.e. from a DOS prompt:
for instance:
>telnet 7398

If there is no firewall, the Windows Telnet client should "connect" and not display anything at first; however, after typing a bunch of characters followed by return you'll see the following error messages in the NSSL log output:

$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:29.33|50|P1|<<-- opened connection, forwarding to
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:29.34|50|P1|> connected to server>, session count is 1
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:35.14| 0|*** Warning: SSL warning 'error during SSLRead'
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:35.14|30|error code: 0x140760fc in E:\comforte\devel\cvs\openssl_nsk\ssl.tlo\ssl\s23_srvr.c in line 585.
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:35.14|30|error text: error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:35.14|50|P1|> Client<-- error 4120
$Y18B |07Dec06 00:06:35.14|50|P1|> closing server>

On the other hand, if there is a firewall or something else obstructing the port, you should get no messages in the NSSL window, but instead an error in DOS somewhat along the following output:

>telnet 11012
Connecting to failed .. connection refused
SecurityI am getting error 4114 - what does that mean?Application StartupN/AISSUE: When I try to start NSSH, my log shows error 4114. What is wrong?

RESOLUTION: Error 4114 is "address in use"
SecurityI get the message "Received disconnect from 7: pseudo TTY could not be allocated, contact your system administrator"Application StartupVTISSUE: When I try an NSSH pseudo TTY connection from my unix box to my NonStop, I get the message "Received disconnect from 7: pseudo TTY could not be allocated, contact your system administrator" What is wrong?

RESOLUTION: The user trying to log in is not known to the NonStop NSSH user database. Read the NSSH manual to determine how to ADD the USER.
SecurityNSSH becomes non-responsive or does not accept connection requests after multiple connections attemptsApplication StartupN/AISSUE: NSSH works initially and then fails with the extensive usage. NSSH running on a parallel TCP/IP process and NSSH becomes non-responsive or does not accept connection requests after multiple connections attempts

RESOLUTION: You need to define the IN and OUT processes.
Here is an example:
RUN SSH2 /name $SSH01, in $OSP, out $OSP, NOWAIT/ ALL
SecurityHow can I identify my subnet?N/AN/AISSUE: How can I identify the subnet I am on?


Open an OutsideView TACL session
Type in: who
Get back lots of info, relevant part is first half of Home terminal (i.e. $ZTNT)
Type in: SCF
Type in: assume process $ZTNT
Type in: info $ZTNT, detail
Get back lots of info. Transport Process name is your subnet
SecurityMust you be super.super to start NSSH?SecurityN/AYou must be super.super to start NSSH
SecurityDetecting improper server certificate formatConfigurationN/AISSUE: NSSL is reporting errors (such as nested ANS1 error) loading the servcert file

RESOLUTION: Try to view the servcert file. If an editor can display the file, showing text such as "Begin Certificate" and "End Certificate" then you have a .crt format file. It must be converted to a .cer (binary) file
The process to do that is to double-click on the .crt file to open it in the Microsoft certificate viewer. There, go to the Details Tab and click on copy to file. That will export the certificate as a .cer file (as needed on the NonStop)
SecurityConfirming certificate chainsConfigurationN/AISSUE: How can I see if a certificate "Chain of Trust" is correct?

RESOLUTION: Double-click on each file in the chain to see the certification path. The topmost certificate will have the same issuer and subject, e.g., "RSA Security 2048 V3" and that will be the certification path. The next level down certificate will reference the higher level cert as Issuer, and have a certification path that is two-levels deep. Third level certificate will reference second level cert as issuer, and have a three-level certification path, etc.
SecurityNSSO (Secure Single SignOn) not working from Windows 7 PC. Error isSecurityN/AISSUE: Using an OutsideView Single-SignOn-enabled session file (that works within Vista and XP) on my Windows 7 PC results in the error: SSH connection failed: Error consuming security token (80090342): The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC. (80090342)

RESOLUTION: Windows 7 tries to use AES256 encryption by default and apparently the Key Distribution Center (KDC) of your Domain Controller does not support that.

You can either upgrade/update your Domain Controller, or configure your Windows 7 PC to use additional types of encryption.

To configure Windows 7 PC to use alternate encryption methods:
Open the group policy editor by starting gpedit.msc from a "run" box.
Then navigate to
Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options
There, find and open the policy "Network security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos"

There, check ON each checkbox for all encryption algorithms listed, close the policy window and the Group Policy Editor, and Reboot your PC.
SecurityThe encryption type requested is not supported by the KDCSecurityN/AISSUE: NSSO (Single signon) works from my XP device, but not my Windows 7 device. I get the error, "The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC"

RESOLUTION: The issue seems to be that your Windows 7 PC and your Windows Domain
Controller do not share a common encryption algorithm.

It could also be that the service account for your NonStop was configured to only
use DES encryption.

Windows 7 devices default to AES256 encryption. Let's reset the encryption requested by your
Windows 7 to DES.

Open the group policy editor by starting
gpedit.msc from a "run" box.

Then navigate to Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings ->
Local Policies -> Security Options and find and open the policy
"Network security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos"

Then disable all encryption algorithms stated there. (This forces Windows 7 to less advanced, i.e. DES encryption.) Close the policy window and the Group Policy Editor.
SecurityCan the SSL telnet, ftp processes execute under an ID other than Super.Super?N/AN/AISSUE: Can the SSL telnet, ftp processes execute under an ID other than Super.Super?

RESOLUTION: You can execute SSL and FTP processes under any ID, just make sure you have correct permissions for log files and network communications.
EmulationEnterprise: Unable to install OutsideView Enterprise V9 client to a location other than default location C:\Program Files\Crystal Point\OutsideviewInstallationN/AWork around for custom directory installation of clients in OV Enterprise is to add two properties into the silent.dta file and set their directories to be the custom directory location:


So it would look something like this:

TIMESTAMP=06/12/2019 12:54:36
DBCONNECTIONSTRING=Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};server=mikedevssd;trusted_connection=yes;database=SCTEST90